Welcome Jacob Scott, Junior Graphic Designer

About Jacob
Before discovering my interest in design, I had been taking high school courses to prepare myself to go into mechanical engineering. After taking a few design courses later in high school I began to realize that this could be a promising and enjoyable career. I then declared my major as graphic design at UA’s Myers School of Art, and have been loving every step of the way since.

What brought you to Kleidon & Associates?

After completing my internship at The University of Akron’s in-house marketing department I began to take an interest in working with multiple clients, rather than focusing on a single identity. Kleidon was one of the marketing agencies I had looked at, so after hearing Dennis give a lecture in fall of 2019 I spoke to the intern working at that time to find out what options may be available.

What’s your favorite font?
My font interests are ever changing. Last fall I delved into Helvetica, but right now I’m enjoying Bodoni.

If you were a Pantone color, which color would you be?

Pantone 7682, cyan-blue.

What design sin makes you cringe the most?
Fake small-caps.

What social media platforms top your list right now?
LinkedIn and Instagram.

What’s your secret talent?

I’m actually reasonably good at sewing. My mother asks me to mend and alter her clothing now.

What’s a little-known fact about you?
I am a massive Star Trek fan.

When you were a kid, what did you think you would do when you grew up?

Become a scientist or engineer of some kind.

Three things you can’t live without?

Comfortable shoes, clean hands, and an organized place to work.

What’s the most important thing you have learned in college so far?
The importance of networking; not just with employers, but with professors and students as well.

What brand or organizations would be your dream client — and why?
Goodyear Tire & Rubber. A company founded and headquartered in Akron, my hometown, with a connection to the engineering knowledge I was initially brought up with.

What are three things you want to learn / learn more about during your internship?

How to better communicate wants/needs with clients, collaboration within design, and creating professional, quality artwork.